The OBOE Foundation provides support
to students who are not able to afford
instruments of their own. While
some schools are able to provide
instruments to some students, many
of the instruments are in poor condition
or the students are not permitted to take
them home. Some schools cannot provide
instruments for all of the students.
Oboe's Tools of Harmony program lends instruments directly to the students, without cost to anyone or to the schools. The Tools of Harmony program is not just giving instruments to kids. Each student must sign a contract. The student is taught how to properly care for the instrument, must make commitments to practicing, to attending required rehearsals, and assume the responsibility of returning the instrument in the same condition he or she received the instrument. The parents (or legal guardians) and the music instructor must also sign the contract. With each instrument, a maintenance kit is provided that helps in the proper care for the instrument. The Oboe Foundation periodically contacts the music instructors for updates on the student’s progress and, if in the opinion of the music director and parents (or guardians) the student is not honoring the contract, the Oboe Foundation will reach out and do what it is able to keep the student honoring his or her obligations.